Decision Making System for Selection of Prospective Scholarship Recipients Using the Saw (Simple Additive Waighting) Method at Vocational School Bina Negara Gubug


  • Hermawan Prayoga
  • Rama Deddy Irawan
  • Achsan Edi Winata


Decision Support Systems, Scholarship, Research and Development methods, SAW


The selection system at Bina Negara Gubug Vocational School Jl. KH. Hasan Anwar No.9 Gubug currently processes data on the criteria for each student for each type of scholarship. It does not yet have a database system but uses a computerized system with Microsoft Excel, so there are often delays in the selection process in preparing the selection report for scholarship recipients. This research uses the Research and Development (R & D) development model by Borg and Gall with 6 steps of development, namely Research and Information Collecting, Planning, Develop Premilinary Form of Product, Premilinary Field Testing, Main Product Revision, Main Field Testing. The scholarship selection decision support system application product uses the SAW (Simple Additive Waighting) method. Visual Basic 6.0 development software and Microsoft Access database. This system can provide a useful solution for the decision-making system for selecting scholarship recipients for schools so that a better and faster selection can be achieved.





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How to Cite

Hermawan Prayoga, Rama Deddy Irawan, & Achsan Edi Winata. (2024). Decision Making System for Selection of Prospective Scholarship Recipients Using the Saw (Simple Additive Waighting) Method at Vocational School Bina Negara Gubug. Global Science: International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 1(3), 19–34. Retrieved from