Management System For Determining Promotional Strategies Cut Nya' Dien Vocational School With Data Mining Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm
Promotion strategy, data mining, clustering, k-means, Cut Nya' Dien Vocational SchoolAbstract
The development of the number of new students at Cut Nya' Dien Vocational School experiences ups and downs every year. The reason is because the data was not processed appropriately based on historical data. The aim of this research is to determine the right promotional strategy based on the results of the groupings formed. One solution that can be used is data mining techniques using the Kmeans Clustering algorithm. Clustering is a method for searching and grouping data that has similar characteristics between one data and another. K-Means is a non-hierarchical data clustering method that attempts to divide data into one or more clusters. The results of this research will form 3 clusters and are expected to be one of the basic considerations in making promotion strategy decisions based on the clusters formed by the school principal.
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