Inventory Information Management System Using The Lifo Method Based On Multiuser At The Fara Collection Store Karangawen
System Information, Inventory, LIFO Method, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0Abstract
Fara Collection shop sells various shoes and sandals for fulfil need public . The business processes carried out by the Fara Collection Store are still ongoing use recording manually where the transaction is purchasing , recording inventory , and record keeping sale shoes and sandals are noted in book . Recording manually felt not enough effective and efficient and also results in the preparation process report supply become more complicated . The purpose of study This is For develop system information supply goods use LIFO method where units are sold is the last unit come in , so makes it easier arrangement goods Good That enter nor take goods , and goods will fast sold Because follow the trend with the latest models that produce profit more big and system This is also equipped with minimum stock limit report aims know the minimum stock limit for goods so that can do announcement up to date regarding out of stock items . In research this , system built use method used writer is method research and development or Research & Development (R&D) with 6 stages namely research and information collecting, planning, developing preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing from Borg & Gall (1983). Output from system This is report management consisting of from user report , report goods , supplier reports , reports customer , report purchases , reports sales , reports Minimum stock , report LIFO inventory . With apply system This is expected user more easy in running business processes . Software that the author use is Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 with SQL Server 2000 database.
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